Monday, November 1, 2010

 Why does Microsoft have to uglfy the xbox 360's dashboard every year?
I mean, my god first they made the backgrounds I bought aboutsolutely useless due
the panles blocking all but a slim portion of the art, along with adding channles that make navigating to what I want a chore.

So, tedious hunting for the panle youneed, ugly panles,  your paid for backgrounds make worthless, what worse could microsoft do after that Bob you may ask? Plenty. Today was "THE FALL UPDATE"
and they changed the guide button menus background to a headache inducing white. The kind of white
that could cause blindness if you look at it for more than two or three seconds. What makes it a major problem is, is that HAVE to see it EVERYTIME you go to log your profile in.

On the topic of the 360, The " Red Dead Redemption: Undead nightmare" Exspansion released recently,
and it is a Tasty peice of gaming. The sandbox is still there,  The characters you love from the main story are present, and you get to kill zombies. Seth is particularlly at home with the outbreak, which isn't too suprising  considering what he is like in the main campaine. If you play RDR this is a must have expansion.

  So the last thingI have to report on is... Halloween Minion schenanigans
Big Bob andI passed out candy last night infront of Hq.  We were in standared Minion gear, seeing as the all the stores that sellcostumes seemed to have posters with our faces and "Do not sell to these people" written on them along the wall near the registers we didn't have much choice.

B.B playing the role of the unmoving statue that came to life when warry travlers attempted to proccur some of our candy.. I then procce after the consumption ofthe candy to off the antidotes at the low low price of $9.99. unfortunately no onethought I was serious..So if you stopped by the Part-time evil inc.building to trick or treat, you should seek medical attention if two or more of the following occur.

Annoying itch in embarrasing places
Dry,irritated eyes,
The sudden need to purchase a chihuahua
An inability to care for house plants despite having so many.
Discolored toe nails.
Having an odd shaped  fleshy canal that allows the passage of oxygen to your lungs in the middle of your face.
Enjoyment of cat related  videos on popular sites such as youtube or veoh. Specially the kitten vids.
The enjoyment of popular internet spread photoshopped images or memes.
you see dancing pink tacos wearing mexican wrerestles masks acompanied with a monacle.

"If the following occurs get to the hospital immedately:
 You begin to, or currently enjoy "tim and eric awsomes how good job
Has nothing to do with the candy we handed out. The show is a level of suck that the godofall suck handed his crown over to Tim and eric after a day of vomiting because he was forced to view no more than a minute of it  f you begin to enjoy it , it is a sure sign of mental degeration.

A mercy killing will be gladly available if you think tim heidecker and eric warhiem are capable of creating anything that isn't a pile of vomit ontop of a pile ofcrap thats on top of a pile of dead skunks. No one deserves that kind of torture.. no one.

well thats all for tonight folks! Good night and sweet somber nightmares to all

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