Tuesday, January 25, 2011

EA, rip you off and subtly imply your the theif.

 So, Not only was I kind of ripped off, but it was implied by EA's customer service that
I'm most likely a rip off artist/theif. Not so bluntly of course.

  So how was I ripped off you may ask? Well, I, like most people eagerly awaiting dead space, picked a copy of the game today  after my shift at the ol' day job. got home, opened it, and everything seemed to be in order. That is up until I reached the screen asking if I wanted to activate my "online pass" which
is needed if I wanted to do multiplayer.

The pass unfortunately was not included in my new copyof the game that came in a sealed box
like it should have.  So I contacted ea's customer service/tech support who rather subtly implied that, since they can't confirm that I actually purchased a new copy, as if the'v never heard of a  FAX MACHINE or SCANNED COPY of the receipt,  That I was trying to rip them off and had most likely purchased a used copy rather than a new, and was trying to get a code for free rather than purchasing it.

First of all you never NEVER want to imply that someone who is buying something or has bought something from you is trying to rip you off. Unless of course you say see them sneakily dump a bunch of your product into their pants and try to walk out the store with it.

Secondly Dead space 2 is a triple A title, as far as I am aware anyway. A much hyped and waited for one at that. The likely hood of my finding a used copy in a retail store such as game stop on the day it was released is rather unlikely. I honestly cannot belive that they would not realise this. 

Now, in the past I have purchased EA's titles new just for the content i would have had to pay extra for but got with the title since i bought it new.  A good example being the Cerberus network pass for Mass effect 2. You got a bunch of additional content at the price you would normally purchase the game
for buying the game new. Otherwise you'd have to dish out money for the extras and possibly not get as good a value since you got it used.

 However I refuse to pay extra for multiplayer on any game, specially a single player based one. The only exclusion being an Mmo such as world of warcraft or the newly released Dc universe online where Multiplayer the Only mode point. However when you have something that should be part of the core content being marketed as an extra "online feature" that you get for free when you purchase the game new, and you have to pay extra forif you get it used, you better damn well have what you advertise in the boxwhen i purchase it and not tell me i'm trying to steal from you when I ask for it when it's not there.

This is the kind of thing that makes people not buy your games, and tell others hey, be careful, these people might not give you your monies worth. you should possibly look elsewhere to indulge in your favorite hobby.

And with that said, I bid you fine folks adue before my agitation leads me to vulgarity from the reflection of the current topic. As always thank you for reading and have a nice night.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Bob the miscellaneous Minion,

    We would like to look into your experience with our Support Team further but will need some additional information. Will you please post your Incident ID or, if you prefer, you can contact us with this information via Facebook, Twitter or the EA Forums.


