Tuesday, January 25, 2011

EA, rip you off and subtly imply your the theif.

 So, Not only was I kind of ripped off, but it was implied by EA's customer service that
I'm most likely a rip off artist/theif. Not so bluntly of course.

  So how was I ripped off you may ask? Well, I, like most people eagerly awaiting dead space, picked a copy of the game today  after my shift at the ol' day job. got home, opened it, and everything seemed to be in order. That is up until I reached the screen asking if I wanted to activate my "online pass" which
is needed if I wanted to do multiplayer.

The pass unfortunately was not included in my new copyof the game that came in a sealed box
like it should have.  So I contacted ea's customer service/tech support who rather subtly implied that, since they can't confirm that I actually purchased a new copy, as if the'v never heard of a  FAX MACHINE or SCANNED COPY of the receipt,  That I was trying to rip them off and had most likely purchased a used copy rather than a new, and was trying to get a code for free rather than purchasing it.

First of all you never NEVER want to imply that someone who is buying something or has bought something from you is trying to rip you off. Unless of course you say see them sneakily dump a bunch of your product into their pants and try to walk out the store with it.

Secondly Dead space 2 is a triple A title, as far as I am aware anyway. A much hyped and waited for one at that. The likely hood of my finding a used copy in a retail store such as game stop on the day it was released is rather unlikely. I honestly cannot belive that they would not realise this. 

Now, in the past I have purchased EA's titles new just for the content i would have had to pay extra for but got with the title since i bought it new.  A good example being the Cerberus network pass for Mass effect 2. You got a bunch of additional content at the price you would normally purchase the game
for buying the game new. Otherwise you'd have to dish out money for the extras and possibly not get as good a value since you got it used.

 However I refuse to pay extra for multiplayer on any game, specially a single player based one. The only exclusion being an Mmo such as world of warcraft or the newly released Dc universe online where Multiplayer the Only mode point. However when you have something that should be part of the core content being marketed as an extra "online feature" that you get for free when you purchase the game new, and you have to pay extra forif you get it used, you better damn well have what you advertise in the boxwhen i purchase it and not tell me i'm trying to steal from you when I ask for it when it's not there.

This is the kind of thing that makes people not buy your games, and tell others hey, be careful, these people might not give you your monies worth. you should possibly look elsewhere to indulge in your favorite hobby.

And with that said, I bid you fine folks adue before my agitation leads me to vulgarity from the reflection of the current topic. As always thank you for reading and have a nice night.


Friday, January 14, 2011

Operation Doomfish status report: Failed

   He hurried along along through the mass up people away from the mechanical rubble.
The Guppie's plan having obviously failed thanks to the misfortune intervention of Chibi-T.R.O.N.
Whom of which seemed intent on ripping the metal fishwalkers to pieces and gutting the fleeing Minions who were their pilots only moments ago.  Laughing his horrid mechanical laugh. Ke Ke Ke!

   M808 as usual had gotten lucky having decided to listen to squishy pumpkins advice and took a spork with him today. A spork that Chibi was undoubtedly using to tear through the others. Why was the little white terror there today. Was he hired to stop them. Upon contemplating this as the minion waded through the crowd, he decided that it was doubtful. A fluke. That Chibi was most likely passing through and spotting the shiny metal fish, gave into his usual destructive compulsions.

    The luagher, of the mechanical creature seeking to menace him seemed to be growing louder.
He shook this notion off and contributed it to paranoia. He felt vulnerable without his mask which he had promptly tossed behind a dumpster in the ally he had entered during his escape. That was the advantage to being a miscellaneous. without the mask on, your just another face in the crowd.

  He understood this concept even before he began his career in the villainous labor services field.
Everyone knows the villain, but not the underlings. However it's almost ALWAYS the underlings that the hero goes for first. So, the ability to get "lost" in a crowd was of vital importance to minions with little or no combat experience, as most of the miscellaneous force were. Sure they knew how to use guns, but gun's are of little use against a rampaging superhero. They were of even less use against three foot tall, psychotic walking pong machines of Death.

Before rounding a corner and heading out of sight of the disaster, M808 glanced back at the disaster, and could barely  make out one of the Fishwalkers still standing among the rubble of the others. opening it's mouth to spew flame's at the acrobatic little robot who nimbly dodged them. All the while his haunting
laughter filling the air, but significantly less audible than before. "See, it was just paranoia" he told himself, and
finally turned the corner.

 After traveling roughly three blocks, the minion, entered the subway. Pressing a hidden button on the turn style, he easily bypassed the need actually purchase a ticket. "Thank you Lord Conductor" M808 mouthed as he passed through and quickly continued through the mob of people boarding the express trains. His ride was short, about 15 minutes or so, as he got off the train two plaza's away from the one which had boarded from.

   Going through a glass door the minion entered a small shopping outlet connected to the station. Went through another  glass door to a quaint little Internet cafe and sat down in the first booth he saw. He requested a bog water, then told the waitress as she gave him a confused look that the gal that runs the place would know what it was. His order arrived promptly despite the bustling amount of people in the cafe.

  He consumed the dark, grassy green sludge with much vigor, practically chugging it. Second drink was ordered, and while the waitress rushed to place his order,  he pulled out his phone. Dialing 8 twice, and placing the phone to his ear and waited as the . What seemed like a like time but was only moments,
and almost unintelligible groan greeted him.

  "BB" The miscellaneous said.  It's Bob.  "Send a recovery team." Bob paused for a moment before continuing. "A Clean up crew too, Chibi was involved" "Another near indecipherable groan answered Bob. "The fishwalkers? Last I saw all but one were destoryed BB.  I think the one that was still standing was the one you modified earlier btw. Stunning work as usual".

  Again bob paused, mulling over the events. He then asked. "before I forget, could you ask the RT to bring my spare mask? I had to utilize the emergency retreat tactic. You know I'm naked without a mask." The voice on the other end was silent for a moment, then what sounded like a slightly pained groan replied. "Er, sorry" apologised bob " Didn't mean to give incur of mental image by that. but you know how I am. I need my mask. Anyway that's all I called for"

By this time Bobs second drink had arrived and he promptly thanked the waitress. He then
thanked the voice on the other end of the phone, bid it good bye, and hung up. Bob placed the phone in his pocket, and began to enjoy his new drink at much more casual pace than he did the first one. He did however continually glance out the cafe. Surveying the outlet in the off chance Chibi's rampage would
pass through the area. twice he though he had seen the little terror, but in both cases it was just a child
with a white shirt on.

An hour passed. A rather uneventful one at that, for which Bob was thankful.
Last thing he needed was any more excitement today. He was startled though by
rather familiar groan and  turned to face the sound. There stood a rather imposing figure.
He wore a dark trench coat, heavy, and durable black boots, Midnight black gloves, and his face , rather, his whole head was covered by black,eyeless, reaper's hood style mask.

"Oh, BB, you startled me" quipped Bob. "Still, your a sight for sore eyes, care to sit and join me"
Big Bob, whom was often known to most as just BB, just stared at his comrade blankly."fine" Bob
said, "let me get the bill and we can go" a voice from behind the store's main counter shouted "it's covered already. just go" and so they went. BB handed bob his spare mask as they walked, and Issued a questioning groan.

"Where to?" retorted bob. "why, to where ever there is Minionry to be accomplished my friend"
BB chuckled, well, Bob assumed it was a  chuckle, and again off they went, pausing once on their way back to HQ, to push a car familiar to them so that it rested in front of a fire hydrant. "it's a good day to be a minion" thought bob, "It's a good day to be a Minion"

Monday, December 6, 2010

Oh sweet somber dirge of of death

a kindof length peom by Miscellaneousbob( c)12/06/2010

 Oh sweet somber dirge of of death
Whom have the come to lay to rest.
 These the damned whoms heads to which the Valkyries shook.
It's only their place to judge the poor bloke.
Her lover was in that senseless war,
Condemned was he to see her never more.
Giving only but loving glance as their final movement chanced by,
Not a word spoke from ether's lips, only spoke the tender voices inherited by their  hearts.
set out what he had to do to protect her. he played the ultimate parts.
And in the end the soider's state was to die.
 In much anguish to hear her silence crys.
the very tears he wanted to keep from her eyes.
Now he whatches her from the city most silver,
guarding her from above with a quiver most golden.
All be cause of the soilders scarfice,the one most embolden.
would not allow his earthly promised broken,
That one day he would lovinly return,,,,,,
to the family he did once lost,
simply to bury his  urn,
and plant upon his lovers lips
The chance to sail on the angelic ships
Because Valhalla did await
and renouncing their earthly hardships
The lovers two sailed past the golden gate.
Her son stayedy you see, looking for his own glory
however when  from the mighty hills the trolls came down

This place was run as a different town in the end
no a happy place to which the son could blend.
asthus  he became a warrior tried and true.
the day he died was somber and blue.
for the dirgebell had long since rang silent and still
and for him there were none to cry of remenber him well
In the end he held his vow,
to be a fighter of great renown

The Valkyries need no deathly dirge to find their kin.
and in the end he saw his mothers face,
and he spoke his last with almost anxioues grin.
why, Slain chooser,do you torment me in this place.
with tear filled eyes she somberly answered,
 I came, just so I could once more look upon my dear sons face.

 And in theend the dirge most somber played it's final tolls.
to send off angles to where they must forever go.

Off they flew boy in  hand.
To what was his, promised lands
At the gate they did join by their arms
A united family, marching into a golden city, filled with it's eternal charms

Coming soon on part-time evil

So, we now have a YouTube account, you can find Us, well, me under, what else MiscellaneouBoB.  Currently the stream has no content.
HOWEVER, B.B and I are working on a project or two that I am very excited to be a
part of and should be ready relatively soon if the day job and miniory schedules allow.

  That said, We are close to finally securing some Recording equipment.
Unfortunately it will be of standard issue level. Which means, as with most standard issue gear,
It may not be top quality. Then again it might be,along with a kick in the teeth and the
toothless eating, well, more like gumming,  of my words.

Either way it will be nice to finally have video related capabilities,
regardless of how we get them.


Friday, November 26, 2010

Splatter house: Blood, brains, and hocky masked psychos.

 Sooo Minions and masters, Villains and Vassals
I picked up the new splatter house today despite the fact I was originally
going to wait on it. However one of my friends called up and mentioned that the original three were unlockables. So, being the sucker I am for such rewards
I couldn't resist it.

 I do not regret it. While there nothing revolutionary about the game play,
which is the basic beat em up formula, kill enemies in the room till door opens,
minor bit of platforming/avoiding traps, more baddies to kill then boss battle,
Purchase upgrades along the way. Like i said nothing new but it feels so good!

Jim Cummings as the voice of the Terror mask couldn't have been
a better fit. He's sarcastic, he's patronising, constantly goading you, and almost always has the sinister tone in his voice. He does total asshole personality really well..Another thing, It's hilarious, at least to me, to hear him shout the various obscenities every few seconds. Due largely to the fact that he's done voices for Disney.

The story is decent so far. However I'm only 3-4 levels into the game.
So , yeah,if you enjoyed the original games, you won't be disappointed. If you've never played them, this is a pretty good choice to start with, specially since you can unlock the originals.

Oh, almost forgot and this is most definitely not a game for the squeamish, or
something to play around the little ones. The level of gore in this game is on a level I've not witnessed before. I mean it is over the top.You can literally beat an enemy over the head with your own dismembered arm. How man games can boast that?  Also there are little pictures of the Rick's (main character) girlfriend that have light nudity in em so, yeah, not a game for young eyes.

 Ok folks, I'm off to rejoin the fray, and continue Rick's quest to save his girlfriend.

*Bob's body was later located by Part-time Evil's MRS (Minion Recovery Squad) in an aabandoned mansion. The old desolate home in which he was found seemed to have bore witness to a massacre that had nothing to do with the minion himself.

 However bob was found in a pool of his own blood with his body  covered in various scratches and bite marks, most likely caused by the pack of wild raccoons  that were hiding in the nearby fireplace. Thanks to his partially undead nature Bob was back to work two days later.

 He currently refuses to talk about the incident to anyone other than B.B.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dance Central, a lighter form of rageahol

The developers of Dance central can go fuck themselves with a rusty fucking spork.
never have a loathed a game so much.

First of all, I went into this ...experiment knowing I can't dance.
However when I fail a move that is essentially just extremely light head banging with my hands slightly to the sides of my head , or a simple pelvic thrust. Moves that even I know how to do.
then I know it's not me. it's the game.

I had one of my friends, whom can para para, break dance,and goes to clubs to dance on a
regular basis play this game. Guess what, she failed the pelvic thrust and head bang as well.

"well practice makes perfect bob"
I have practice certain songs for HOURS and the majority of the moves I do will still register
as being incorrect even if done right.

Part of the issue is the is NO fucking leeway for most of the moves. Even if your doing them what would normally be the right way, your body has to completely match the exact positioning of the character
on screen.

An example would be the "torch" and rodeo moves. Some how I always fail the rodeo move because even when i let my arm"Dangle" like the character's arm on the screen,because my arms are longer than most, I fail the move.I usually  fail the torch move 50% because the move before it has my hand in a different weirdish position and I can instantly warp my hand to the spot it needs to be in when the move starts.

That's another complaint I have about this game. Alot of moves don't flow into each other very well and your likely to lose points because you are still in the finishing position from the last one when the motion for the next one starts and is in a completely opposite of what you were doing last.

Now as much as I hate this game, it does have a few decent strong points.
The Selection of songs, the co-op, and the chance to luagh at your friends as they make complete jackasses out of themselveswhen they start tossing furniture around for failing moves and motions as simple as head banging.

Overall if you can endure the rage inducing moments of this gameyou are sure to have fun. However do  not play this game if you have a short fuse or are in anger managment, you WILL end up wanting to go out and punch and kick everything withing a two mile radius. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

Thats it for tonight folks, now off to my therapist , god knows I need it after playing this equivalent of a 40oz bottle of rage-ahol.
