Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dance Central, a lighter form of rageahol

The developers of Dance central can go fuck themselves with a rusty fucking spork.
never have a loathed a game so much.

First of all, I went into this ...experiment knowing I can't dance.
However when I fail a move that is essentially just extremely light head banging with my hands slightly to the sides of my head , or a simple pelvic thrust. Moves that even I know how to do.
then I know it's not me. it's the game.

I had one of my friends, whom can para para, break dance,and goes to clubs to dance on a
regular basis play this game. Guess what, she failed the pelvic thrust and head bang as well.

"well practice makes perfect bob"
I have practice certain songs for HOURS and the majority of the moves I do will still register
as being incorrect even if done right.

Part of the issue is the is NO fucking leeway for most of the moves. Even if your doing them what would normally be the right way, your body has to completely match the exact positioning of the character
on screen.

An example would be the "torch" and rodeo moves. Some how I always fail the rodeo move because even when i let my arm"Dangle" like the character's arm on the screen,because my arms are longer than most, I fail the move.I usually  fail the torch move 50% because the move before it has my hand in a different weirdish position and I can instantly warp my hand to the spot it needs to be in when the move starts.

That's another complaint I have about this game. Alot of moves don't flow into each other very well and your likely to lose points because you are still in the finishing position from the last one when the motion for the next one starts and is in a completely opposite of what you were doing last.

Now as much as I hate this game, it does have a few decent strong points.
The Selection of songs, the co-op, and the chance to luagh at your friends as they make complete jackasses out of themselveswhen they start tossing furniture around for failing moves and motions as simple as head banging.

Overall if you can endure the rage inducing moments of this gameyou are sure to have fun. However do  not play this game if you have a short fuse or are in anger managment, you WILL end up wanting to go out and punch and kick everything withing a two mile radius. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

Thats it for tonight folks, now off to my therapist , god knows I need it after playing this equivalent of a 40oz bottle of rage-ahol.


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